Polymaticast 111 – Don’t get scammed ๐Ÿšจ

This week we talk about people trying to scam us out of our money and property. And we talk a bit about the apple vision pro.

john | Topic: Jim Browning |https://polymatic.link/1dq
john | Topic: Kitboga |https://polymatic.link/1dr
john | Lethal company but it is a cinematic trailer |https://polymatic.link/1di
john | Horizon forbidden west on pc |https://polymatic.link/1dk
alan | Apple Vision Pro Review: Tomorrow’s Ideas… Today’s Tech! |https://polymatic.link/1do
alan | the thing no one will say about Apple Vision Pro |https://polymatic.link/1dp
alan | How Teenage Engineering Makes Cool Stuff! |https://polymatic.link/1dm
alan | FIZZ – The Secret To Life |https://polymatic.link/1dn

Socials: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Socials: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 110 – Snow hit the area then Alan hit the area

This week Alan is in pain, So we decided to make it a short episode.

john | Mako Peregrine |https://polymatic.link/1d1
john | Exodus |https://polymatic.link/1d2
john | Andrea Bejar – Sunlight |https://polymatic.link/1d3
john | Laufey Tiny Desk Concert |https://polymatic.link/1d4
john | Starfield is bad,really bad |https://polymatic.link/1d5
john | Plagiarism and you(tube) |https://polymatic.link/1d6
alan | BUILDING A MARBLE CLOCK |https://polymatic.link/1d7
alan | What’s inside this crater in Madagascar? |https://polymatic.link/1d8
alan | This TINY Server Can Run An Entire HomeLab (almost) |https://polymatic.link/1d9

Socials: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Socials: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 109 – Roof rack for Canadians

This episode we discuss predictions for 2024. How many will come true. And why oh why are we talking about putting canadians on the roof of your car ?

john | Lethal company is dangerous |https://polymatic.link/1cp
john | Tesla cybertruck? |https://polymatic.link/1cq
john | Hug-a-bot |https://polymatic.link/1cr
john | Ren – Violet’s tale |https://polymatic.link/1cs
john | Genius of Dutch money |https://polymatic.link/1ct
alan | If Mark Rober’s Life Was A Movie… |https://polymatic.link/1cu
alan | We Surprised Mark Rober With His Own Movie |https://polymatic.link/1cv
alan | How to Build a Massive LED Wall on a Budget |https://polymatic.link/1cw
alan | DIY Drones: War Will Never be the Same |https://polymatic.link/1cx
alan | Digital Spaghetti |https://polymatic.link/1cy
alan | Cybertruck beats Porsche 911 while towing a 911 |https://polymatic.link/1cz


Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 108 – Stinky AI ๐Ÿค–

This episode we try to discuss cleaning up old vms but we get derailed into talking about the weird Open AI stuff and how the whole thing stinks. That and quite a bit of detours.

Fun links:
john | The forgotten $500m crazy frog scam |https://polymatic.link/1cc
john | Crypto is bad yall who knew |https://polymatic.link/1cd
john | Multistreaming to multiple platforms |https://polymatic.link/1ce
john | Atomic sandblaster |https://polymatic.link/1cf
john | Rock paper scissors |https://polymatic.link/1cg
john | Jumperless breadboard |https://polymatic.link/1ch
alan | How to Build a Video Wall for VFX! |https://polymatic.link/1ci
alan | Homura Ham |https://polymatic.link/1cj
alan | LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean Water Ride |https://polymatic.link/1ck
alan | Floating Solar Farm |https://polymatic.link/1cl
alan | Inside an LED Factory |https://polymatic.link/1cm
alan | Fake AirPod Pros |https://polymatic.link/1cn


Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 107 – Grumpy Burrito Mode

This time we talk about spending more money on projects and in the end we just want to be a comfy burrito not a grumpy one

Fun stuff:

john | Infected Mushroom – Zazum Beyhad |https://polymatic.link/1c0
john | Lights – Beside Myself (dEd version) |https://polymatic.link/1c1
john | Erik Peers, Juniper Vale – Winter came too fast |https://polymatic.link/1c2
john | When Serial Experiments Lain Aired After 9/11 |https://polymatic.link/1c3
john | How Tokyo (almost) built a floating city |https://polymatic.link/1c4
john | Why games are too big (Noodle) |https://polymatic.link/1c5
alan | TypeScript Origins: The Documentary |https://polymatic.link/1c6
alan | Solar Farms w/Parking Lots |https://polymatic.link/1c7
alan | Cthulhu Multi Pour Epoxy Table |https://polymatic.link/1c8
alan | Hello Sugar |https://polymatic.link/1c9
alan | Jacob Collier – WELLLL |https://polymatic.link/1ca


Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 106 – Starfield โœจ๐Ÿš€

This episode we spend a lot of time on Starfield. The game that just came out.

This was recorded on september 3rd before the release of game.

Fun stuff

john | Noita – A roguelike for the mentally deranged |https://polymatic.link/1br
john | Noita – Steam |https://polymatic.link/1bs
john | Carving the Sparkliest D20 Ever |https://polymatic.link/1bt
john | Starfield: Intrusive thoughts |https://polymatic.link/1bu
alan | The Pitch Show |https://polymatic.link/1bv
alan | Go fly a kite! |https://polymatic.link/1bw
alan | Tiny Teapots |https://polymatic.link/1bx
alan | Katelyn Tarver – Parallel Universe |https://polymatic.link/1by

Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 105 – One man band๐Ÿ“ท

This episode we talk about Alan’s time at Otakon and trying to be a one man band with gear for a short one.

john | Shallow ecosystem tank |https://polymatic.link/1bb
john | A week alone in the metaverse |https://polymatic.link/1bc
john | Repairing voltage standard from 1975 |https://polymatic.link/1bd
john | airtag card |https://polymatic.link/1be
john | Someone is about to lose a finger |https://polymatic.link/1bf
john | This old toe clamps |https://polymatic.link/1bg
john | breaking TOTK speed records |https://polymatic.link/1bh
alan | Where Hollywood’s Fake Money Is Made! |https://polymatic.link/1bi
alan | The Story of Earl Hays Press |https://polymatic.link/1bj
alan | What Does IQ Actually Measure? |https://polymatic.link/1bk
alan | The Future of Movies, explained |https://polymatic.link/1bl
alan | Coffee Roasting Explained |https://polymatic.link/1bm
alan | FIZZ – Close One |https://polymatic.link/1bn
alan | The Japanese House – In the End it Always Does |https://polymatic.link/1bo
alan | rainbow frog biscuits – Help Me |https://polymatic.link/1bp

Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 104 – Anime conventions

This episode we talk about Dokomi in Dusseldorf and Otakon.

alan | In this economy |https://polymatic.link/1az
alan | 10 Acre Underground Village & Orchard |https://polymatic.link/1b0
alan | I-95 |https://polymatic.link/1b1
alan | Making Eyeglasses Frames |https://polymatic.link/1b3
alan | High and Dry by Radiohead |https://polymatic.link/1b4
john | DIY cyberpunk helmet |https://polymatic.link/1b5
john | Dokomi |https://polymatic.link/1b6
john | Balls of thermite |https://polymatic.link/1b7
john | Making HUNDREDS of plastic figures! Steadycrafting |https://polymatic.link/1b8
john | Dyson powered rc plane |https://polymatic.link/1b9

Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 103 – Tools to stick in your new backpack ๐ŸŽ’

This episode we talk about upgrading a steamdeck to 1tb, the hit game that is Tears of the Kingdom, holding off on playing it, and Alan being a casual gamer ๐Ÿ™‚
We also talk about our new backpacks (LTT backpack for Alan, and a Thule for John)

We also talk about both software and hardware tool recommendations.


john | BBedit |https://polymatic.link/1a4
john | Obsidian |https://polymatic.link/1a5
john | Omnifocus |https://polymatic.link/1a6
john | Jetbrains phpstorm |https://polymatic.link/1a7
john | Lychee slicer |https://polymatic.link/1ai
john | Simplify 3d |https://polymatic.link/1aj
john | Fusion 360 |https://polymatic.link/1ak
john | Openscad |https://polymatic.link/1al
alan | VS Code |https://polymatic.link/1an
alan | Visusal Studio |https://polymatic.link/1ao
alan | Azure Data Studio |https://polymatic.link/1ap
alan | Notion |https://polymatic.link/1aq
alan | Google Keep |https://polymatic.link/1ar
alan | Series Guide |https://polymatic.link/1as
alan | Dark Audacity |https://polymatic.link/1av
alan | Microsoft PowerToys |https://polymatic.link/1aw


john | Ifixit tools |https://polymatic.link/1a8
john | Ugreen power supplies |https://polymatic.link/1a9
john | Keysmart key organiser |https://polymatic.link/1aa
john | Hakko tip cleaner |https://polymatic.link/1ab
john | Pinecil |https://polymatic.link/1ac
john | TS100 soldering iron |https://polymatic.link/1ad
john | Xp-pen tablets |https://polymatic.link/1ae
john | wacom cintiq 24 pro |https://polymatic.link/1af
john | Elegoo mars |https://polymatic.link/1ag
john | Ender 3 |https://polymatic.link/1ah
john | Stream deck Plus |https://polymatic.link/1am
alan | Zoom LiveTrak L-20 |https://polymatic.link/1at
alan | PreSonusยฎ Studio 1824c |https://polymatic.link/1au
john | Thule accent 15 inch |https://polymatic.link/1ax

Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media

Polymaticast 102 – New Job ๐Ÿ’ผ

This episode we talk about: Alan’s new Job and the struggles from the last one to the new one, Buying a ps5 although John said he wouldn’t,Getting the wrong home assistant board.

Fun stuff
john | Amethyst d20 |https://polymatic.link/19k
alan | Cactus Leather |https://polymatic.link/19t
john | Thread whirling bone screws |https://polymatic.link/19l
alan | The Creator of CSS Shares His Opinion on CSS-in-JS |https://polymatic.link/19u
john | Fred Again – I am the party live |https://polymatic.link/19m
alan | He’s behind you! |https://polymatic.link/19v
john | Does your flag fail? CGP Grey |https://polymatic.link/19n
alan | A better way to organize |https://polymatic.link/19w
john | Legend of Zelda – Tears of the Kingdom |https://polymatic.link/19o
alan | Thread Boards |https://polymatic.link/19x
john | Northern lights in real time |https://polymatic.link/19p
alan | Kaktovik numerals |https://polymatic.link/19y
john | Orangutan Card Trick debunked |https://polymatic.link/19q
alan | Orla Gartland – Bloodline / Difficult Things (live in Dublin) |https://polymatic.link/19z
john | Have electricity solve mazes for you |https://polymatic.link/19r
alan | whatever – Walk off the Earth |https://polymatic.link/1a0
john | Iris Jean – Those eyes |https://polymatic.link/19s
alan | BLรœ EYES – Wish I Said |https://polymatic.link/1a1
john | Meau – Hou me vast |https://polymatic.link/1a2

Twitter: Alan twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website polymatic.media