Polymaticast 62 For realsies we won’t talk about Minecraft (a lot)

Minecraft’s revival has grabbed hold of both Alan and John. We talk about headphones, bad quality drawing tablets, and good quality tripods that are NOT gorillapods 🙂

Editor’s note, I had to work one Alan’s audio feed this episode as a headset on his end was outputting my voice into the room. You may still hear this in the episode from time to time where I was unable to clean that up )

Second note. IF you are wondering where Episode 61 is. We decided to not air it as the topic was too much of a downer and it was a hell to edit due to some very very long tangents.

Main topic links

alan | Sony wf-1000xm3 | https://polymatic.link/rf
alan | Jaybird vista | https://polymatic.link/rg
alan | Switchpod | https://polymatic.link/re

Fun stuff

john | The bad recap amazon prime did of the expanse pilot | https://polymatic.link/r5
alan | Becki and Chris | Cold Island | https://polymatic.link/rb
john | Christian Bale | https://polymatic.link/r6
alan | Breaking free of datacenter legacy thinking | https://polymatic.link/rc
john | Fran Blanche – Radium dials | https://polymatic.link/r7
alan | In Case of Apocalypse, Open This Arctic Code Vault | https://polymatic.link/rd


john | Moderns – Jarre | https://polymatic.link/r8
alan | Tessa Violet | Bad Ideas (album) | https://polymatic.link/r9
alan | Charli XCX | Charli | https://polymatic.link/ra

Twitter: Alan http://twitter.com/chaess  or https://jawns.club/@alan
Twitter: John http://twitter.com/webdevvie or https://mastodon.cloud/@webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: http://twitter.com/thepolymatic

Author: John Bakker

Developer by trade , artist by night.

Published by

John Bakker

Developer by trade , artist by night.

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