Minecraft’s revival has grabbed hold of both Alan and John. We talk about headphones, bad quality drawing tablets, and good quality tripods that are NOT gorillapods 🙂
Editor’s note, I had to work one Alan’s audio feed this episode as a headset on his end was outputting my voice into the room. You may still hear this in the episode from time to time where I was unable to clean that up )
Second note. IF you are wondering where Episode 61 is. We decided to not air it as the topic was too much of a downer and it was a hell to edit due to some very very long tangents.
Main topic links
alan | Sony wf-1000xm3 | https://polymatic.link/rf
alan | Jaybird vista | https://polymatic.link/rg
alan | Switchpod | https://polymatic.link/re
Fun stuff
john | The bad recap amazon prime did of the expanse pilot | https://polymatic.link/r5
alan | Becki and Chris | Cold Island | https://polymatic.link/rb
john | Christian Bale | https://polymatic.link/r6
alan | Breaking free of datacenter legacy thinking | https://polymatic.link/rc
john | Fran Blanche – Radium dials | https://polymatic.link/r7
alan | In Case of Apocalypse, Open This Arctic Code Vault | https://polymatic.link/rd
john | Moderns – Jarre | https://polymatic.link/r8
alan | Tessa Violet | Bad Ideas (album) | https://polymatic.link/r9
alan | Charli XCX | Charli | https://polymatic.link/ra
Twitter: Alan http://twitter.com/chaess or https://jawns.club/@alan
Twitter: John http://twitter.com/webdevvie or https://mastodon.cloud/@webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: http://twitter.com/thepolymatic
Author: John Bakker
Developer by trade , artist by night.