Polymaticast 32 Apocalypses

This week we discuss how everything seems to be turned into the next apocalypse.
We mainly discuss the adpocalypse and other things that seem to cause outrage.

Alan | Radiorama | http://polymatic.link/ef
John | Janna Breslin VS Raccoon | http://polymatic.link/e9
Alan | 21 Strangest Movie Translations in Japanese | http://polymatic.link/eg
John | One card to rule them all. And in darkness bind them | http://polymatic.link/ea
Alan | The Ultimate Paper Airplane | http://polymatic.link/eh
John | Your art selfie ? | http://polymatic.link/eb (Doesn’t work in NL)
Alan | Pancakebot | http://polymatic.link/ei
John| This pug probably has a drug problem | http://polymatic.link/ec
Alan | Star Trek Door | http://polymatic.link/ej
John| Breath of the wild world of wonder | http://polymatic.link/ed

Music corner
Alan | Old Sea Brigade – Tidal Wave | http://polymatic.link/ee
John | Laxcity – Catch Me | http://polymatic.link/e8

Twitter: Alan http://twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John http://twitter.com/webdevvie
Music by Sahy Uhns . Which you can find at http://polymatic.link/ek
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: http://twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website http://polymatic.media

Polymaticast 10 what’s going on

Episode 10 for February 12th 2017
Today’s topic: What is going on?

Shared content:
John | Bad horse traceroute http://polymatic.link/2h Great use of ipv4 space
Alan | Beyblade Spinner | http://polymatic.link/2n
John | Jays2cents testing fan design http://polymatic.link/2i
Alan | Hero | http://polymatic.link/2q
John | Taufledermaus : Macro slomo special kind of watch http://polymatic.link/2j
Alan | Don’t Argue | http://polymatic.link/2m
John| Emergency awesome reviews Stranger things 2 trailer http://polymatic.link/2k
Alan | Not Minecraft, Real | http://polymatic.link/2p
John| Maker’s muse describes a way to print faster using multiple processes in simplify3d http://polymatic.link/2l
Alan | Minecraft isn’t a game, it’s art | http://polymatic.link/2o

Twitter: Alan http://twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John http://twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Twitter polymatic: http://twitter.com/thepolymatic