Polymaticast 36 Ready Player One *spoilers*

Main topic
Ready player one.

john | Shortner documentation | https://polymatic.link/gz
john | PHP package for shortner | https://polymatic.link/h1

Fun stuff
john | Art3mis & Parzival | https://polymatic.link/gv
alan | The Hong Kong Tram – by Brandon Li | https://polymatic.link/gw
john | Glitter printer | https://polymatic.link/gs
alan | Bean 25 day time-lapse – soil cross section | https://polymatic.link/gx
john | Bob iOSS | https://polymatic.link/gt
alan | NSynth Super by Google | https://polymatic.link/gy

john | Deadmau5’s new album “Where’s the drop” | https://polymatic.link/gr
john | Tritonal – Only mortal | https://polymatic.link/gu

Twitter: Alan http://twitter.com/chaess
Twitter: John http://twitter.com/webdevvie
For feedback: podcast@polymatic.media
Music by Sahy Uhns . Which you can find at http://polymatic.link/ek
Twitter polymatic: http://twitter.com/thepolymatic
Website http://polymatic.media